Training to be a language teacher with International House will open the door to a career where you can live overseas, work within different cultures, and really make a difference to people’s lives. You’ll also acquire valuable skills that will benefit you wherever your life and career take you.

Current offerings

Tailor Made Courses
Tailor Made Courses
Online teacher Training
Online teacher Training
Teachers' Centre
Teachers' Centre


Diana England

Head of Teacher Training

I’ve been a teacher and teacher developer since 1981 and I’m co-owner and Director of Studies of International House Torres Vedras|Lisbon. Apart from providing pedagogic support to the teachers and academic coordinators at both centres, I provide training courses for primary and secondary state school teachers in Portugal. I have also taught and trained teachers in the UK, Spain,Poland, Romania and Egypt. I am a DELTA assessor, as well as a tutor on IHCertificate in Young Learners and Teenagers (IHCYLT) courses. I have an MA in Teaching English to Young Learners from the University of York. As well as still loving teaching, I enjoy writing and delivering various methodology courses and giving seminars and plenary sessions at various ELT conferences.



Bjarne Vonsild


Bjarne Z A Vonsild is a teacher, E-moderator, Cambridge Main Suite examiner, Core Skills Master trainer, teacher trainer and CELTA course assessor. He has been teaching English and training teachers in countries such as South Korea, Egypt, Portugal, Estonia, Italy, Spain, the UK, Brazil and Portugal for over 25 years. He has given workshops on a host a topics related to English teaching such as gamification, using social media in teaching and differentiated instruction. He holds RSA/DELTA and he has developed EFL material for a variety of language teaching situations like an in-house course-book for “zero beginners” in Egypt, and exam preparation material and he has co-written a legal English vocabulary book, which was published by Editora DISAL. His particular teaching interests lie in exam preparation, learner based teaching and legal English.

Amanda Gamble


Amanda started her EFL career in 1995 and has lived and worked in Finland, Japan, Turkey, Ireland, Mozambique and Egypt.  She has a degree in Education, a certificate in teaching Young Learners, the DELTA, a diploma in TESOL, a diploma in Educational Management, a certificate in online teaching and a Masters in Professional Development in Language Education.  For the last 20 years, she has been involved in preparing and delivering a range of teacher training courses for inexperienced and experienced teachers.  She has been a CELTA tutor since 2005 and is also a CELTA assessor, as well as being a local DELTA tutor and a TYLEC tutor.  She has also written the Teacher’s Book for two levels of a coursebook to be published by Macmillan.  Her main interests are in teacher development, reflective practice and material design.

Tatiana Ivanova


Tatiana has been a teacher since 2004 and lives in Kyiv. She has DELTA Diploma Modules 1-3, ESOL and CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English). She’s a teacher at International House, Kyiv and Prague. Tatiana is a Celta teacher trainer for International House Kyiv, Lisbon and Galway. Tatiana loves helping teachers to develop and watch them progress, and she’s delighted to meet fantastic and dedicated people on our courses. She encourages her trainees to master new approaches and techniques in teaching English and inspire them to professional development and growth. She hopes they enjoy this challenging yet rewarding course.

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Teaching English as a foreign language could allow you to pursue a career that sees you travel the world, make friends across continents and help your students achieve their life goals. It is a thoroughly rewarding and life enhancing experience.

If you would like to develop a successful career in teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) then becoming CELTA qualified with International House is the first step. The CELTA is an intensive, initial TEFL qualification designed for people with little or no previous English language teaching experience or training.

The CELTA is certified by Cambridge English Language Assessment and as a result is highly regarded internationally and recognised by OFQUAL at level 5 on the Qualifications and Credit Framework.

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The DELTA (Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages) is an advanced course for experienced language teachers, and a requirement for some senior English language teaching posts.

The course aims to provide a blend of theory and practice that will deepen your understanding of the English Language, enhance your teaching skills, and help you develop professionally.

The Delta is assessed by Cambridge English Language Assessment and is recognised by OFQUAL at level 7 on the Qualifications and Credit Framework.

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The International House Certificate in Teaching Young Learners and Teenagers prepares teachers for the specific challenges of working with young learners and teenagers, through a blend of online learning and face-to-face assessed teaching practice.

The course can be taken in one of three formats:

  • Face-to-face/intensive, over a two-week period (teaching practice at the centre)
  • Face-to-face/part-time, over a ten-week period (teaching practice with trainees’ own classes)
  • As a blended course with part of the course online and teaching practice done with trainees’ own classes

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The International House Certificate of Advanced Methodology course may be suitable for you if you already have some post-CELTA experience and want to increase your theoretical knowledge of teaching, improve your practical teaching ability and self-analytical skills prior to taking the DELTA. This is an International House World course, moderated by Cambridge.

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Tailor made courses

We have the experience and resources to develop other training courses to meet your or your school’s needs. As our trainers are recognised “formadores qualificados”, this also means that we run courses for APPI and official state training centres (Centros de Formação)

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Online teacher training

Unlike a face-to-face course, learning online gives you the flexibility to set your own study hours and save money and time on travel and accommodation. Study with the IH Online Teacher Training Institute (OTTI) for part-time online courses to improve your teaching skills and advance your career. All our courses are certified by the International House Assessment Unit; some are also moderated by Cambridge Assessment.

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The IHTVL younger learner course

This is a very practical, 30 hour, input-based methodology course for those teachers who would like an overview of the key issues when teaching younger learners.

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Teachers’ centre

International House Portugal is proud to have always had a close relationship to teachers who work in other language schools and in mainstream education.  Over the years, IH trainers have run sessions, observed lessons and run courses for many of the English Language Teachers in the country.

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need more Cambridge CELTA  information? Get in touch…

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