The DELTA modular framework

The modular framework aims to provide an accessible professional development programme with flexible entry points. Candidates may choose to do any or all of the modules and have the opportunity to focus on a specialist area of teaching in Modules Two and Three. Each module is assessed independently and is separately certificated. Achievement of a Pass in all three modules confers the status of a full DELTA qualification.

DELTA (Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages) is an advanced course for experienced language teachers, and a requirement for some senior English language teaching posts.

The course aims to provide a blend of theory and practice that will deepen your understanding of the English Language, enhance your teaching skills, and help you develop professionally.

DELTA is assessed by Cambridge English Language Assessment and is recognised by OFQUAL at level 7 on the Qualifications and Credit Framework.

Who is DELTA for?

DELTA Modules can be taken at any stage in a teacher’s career. They are suitable for in-service teachers of English in a variety of teaching contexts e.g. adult, primary, or secondary teaching contexts, and are intended for an international audience of non-first language or first language teachers of English.

Candidates taking DELTA Modules One, Two and Three will normally have an initial ELT qualification and will have had at least a year’s ELT experience but these are not requirements. The DELTA Modules may also be taken by:

  • teachers who wish to refresh their teaching knowledge
  • teachers who wish to review and update their practice
  • teachers who wish to extend their expertise in a specialist area

Achievement of the DELTA Modules prepares teachers for more senior teaching roles and facilitates progression to other qualifications such as MAs in Linguistics and Language Teaching. Some MA programmes will accept DELTA credits (up to 20 credits for each module).

Module One

Understanding Language, Methodology and Resources for Teaching (20 credits)
This module focuses on the background to teaching and learning English in a range of contexts.

Content areas:

  1. Theoretical perspectives on language acquisition and language teaching
  2. Different approaches and methodologies including current developments
  3. Language systems and learners’ linguistic problems
  4. Language skills and learners’ problems
  5. Knowledge of resources, materials and reference sources for language learning
  6. Key concepts and terminology related to assessment

Module One is assessed through a written examination.

Module Two

Developing Professional Practice (20 credits)
This module tests knowledge of the elements of planning and preparing a lesson or a sequence of lessons and how to select and use resources and materials.

Content areas:

  1. The language learner and the language learning context
  2. Preparation for teaching adult learners of English
  3. Evaluating, selecting and using resources and materials for teaching purposes
  4. Managing and supporting learning
  5. Evaluation of lesson preparation and teaching
  6. Observation/evaluation of other teachers’ lessons
  7. Professionalism and opportunities for professional development

Module Two is assessed through a portfolio of coursework, including observed lessons, background written assignments, and an externally-assessed lesson observation.

Module Three

Extending practice and English language teaching specialism (20 credits)
This module tests knowledge of classroom management and what happens in the classroom in terms of the language used by the teacher or learners, the roles of the teacher can fulfil and the ways in which the teacher can manage classroom events and interaction.

Content areas:

  • Research into specialist areas
  • Principles of syllabus design and implications for specific learning contexts
  • Designing syllabus and teaching programmes to meet the needs of learners in the specific context of the selected specialism
  • Course design and development in the specific context of the selecte
  • The principles and practice of testing and assessment and application to the candidate’s specialist area
  • Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness and quality of courses and programmes of study

Module Three is assessed through an extended written assignment.

Fees and dates

To be scheduledModule 1€*
To be scheduledModule 2€*
To be scheduledModule 3€*
* Does not include Cambridge fee

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    Do I need to have the CELTA to take the DELTA?

    It is not essential but it is true that having a basic pre-service course such as the CELTA will help you with the DELTA.  However, you may have worked for schools where you were observed regularly, or you may have a different qualification which has similarly helped you develop.   The best thing to do is to fill in an application form so that we can give you some advice.

    How soon can I take the DELTA after the CELTA?

    Module 2 is best for those candidates who have had a wide range of teaching experience so two years is usually the minimum period.

    If you have had considerable experience before the CELTA, you may be ready to start Module 3 immediately after the CELTA. This is particularly true for those who wish to specialise in an area such as one-to-one or Young Learners.

    Do I need to enrol for all three modules at once?

    No, in fact, we recommend doing no more than two a year.

    Do you have an intensive course?

    Not at the moment.  All our DELTA courses are run on a part-time basis over an academic year, i.e. October to June.

    Which module should I start off with?

    Module 3 is a great starting point for those who haven’t had much training recently or for those who haven’t written academically for a while.  It helps you to get back into reading and research and is less intensive than other modules.

    Module 1 is an excellent starting point for those who like taking exams and who have already read quite a lot about the theory of English Language Teaching.

    Module 2 is an equally great starting point, particularly for those who want to hone their teaching skills.  It is the only component that has a teaching practice component and is considerably more demanding in terms of time and workload.  However, it is also the course that is likely to make the most impact on your teaching as you will be getting regular feedback.

    I only want to take one Module. Do I get the ‘DELTA’ qualification?

    As you complete each module successfully, you get a certificate to say so, i.e. DELTA Module 1, DELTA Module 2 or DELTA Module 3.  To get the ‘DELTA’, you would need to take all three modules.

    Is there a course between CELTA and DELTA?

    Yes, the International House World Organisation offers many excellent courses to help you with these.

    The two courses that might be of most use for someone thinking of taking the DELTA within a year or two are:

    1. The IHCYLT – see here for more details
    2. The Certificate in Advanced Methodology (IHCAM) – see here for more details
    I would like to just do Module 3. How do I choose my specialism?

    Our tutors can help you choose this once you are on the course.  As a rule, people choose an area which they feel will have an impact on their teaching and career prospects.  For example, if you have not done much one-to-one teaching but want to learn about it, that might be a good focus.  Alternatively, if you regularly teach exam classes and feel you would like to improve in this area, then that might be your chosen specialism.

    I want to take the course but am not sure I want to get the certificate

    Our fees are for the courses themselves.  For each course, there is a separate fee which participants pay only when they have decided to get the certificate.

    I have heard that you don’t need a course to do some of the modules.

    If you wish, you can prepare for Modules 1 and 3 on your own.  You would then have to enrol through a centre.

    Module 2 requires a course at an approved centre.